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Together, we can connect, share knowledge and strengthen
the impact of our growing interdisciplinary field.

For decades, anthropology and engineering have been used together to address problems both in industry and academia. Despite repeated victories in disparate venues, researchers, professionals, and students of the disciplines frequently have difficulty convincing others this interdisciplinary approach and the lessons learned from it are valid and valuable. This is because victories often occur in isolation, meaning people fight these battles in small teams or independently, and lessons are not passed from one group to another. 


This network aims to break that cycle! By establishing a platform for people to come together, we hope we can learn from each other instead of operating independently. We also hope this platform will serve to give students a platform to learn from our mistakes and successes, so that they may have successful careers as anthroengineers.


Our first event will be an international conference held in June, 2019. To become part of the network and receive updates about the network and the conference, please sign up to our emailing list below!

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